My weekend was indeed full of amazing adventures. That’s what’s life is all about, non?
It started off on Saturday morning, with a trip to Bruce’s Mill Conservation area for some amazing pancakes with maple syrup and a short hike. I’ve been participating in maple syrup festival since I was a child and it’s one of my favorite Spring time activities. The Maple Syrup Festival continues till April 7th. Advice: wear snowboots or rain boots

Maple Goodness
On Sunday morning, I went to check out The Big Cannoli for their famous fresh filled cannoli. I found out about this place from @ali_bidabadi who tweets about this place, practivally every Saturday morning (along with photos of the cannoli). After reading these tweets, I knew that I wanted to drive to Woodbridge one Sunday morning to check it out! Ali knows his cannoli – this place is da best.

On Sunday afternoon, I went to the Firkin to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. I was looking for a mid town bar that served Molson 67 and the Firkin is the answer! Believe it or not this was my first time having a green beer. Sadly I didn’t discover that they served Deep Fried Pickles till I was on my way out. (how did I miss that on the menu?) Looks like I will need to return!

For more information:
Bruce’s Mill Conservation area 3291 Stouffville Road, Stouffville ON (905) 887-5531
The Big Cannoli, 28 Roytec Road Unit 11 (905) 850 6699
Quail & Firkin, 1055 Yonge St. (416) 962 0782
Ali Bidibadi, Bruce's Mill, Cannoli, Firkin, Maple Syrup, molson 67, pancakes, Quail & Frikin, St. Patrick's Day, The Big Cannoli
Thanks to
Costco, I always seem to have salmon or tilapia in my freezer. I probably make fish once a week, which means I’m always looking for new recipes for either types of fish. Last week, I was searching for tilapia recipes on the computer and came across this amazing recipe from
The Rookie Chef. It fits my criteria for a perfect recipe: easy, fast, and the results were outstanding. Here’s the recipe:
- Tilapia filets
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 egg
- 1 cup of beer (I used Molson 67, of course)
- Vegetable oil for frying
- In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt.

step 1
- In another bowl blend the egg and beer together

step 2
then quickly stir into the flour mixture.
- Don’t worry if the batter is a little lumpy (seriously…it’s lumpy)

Lumpy Batter (but it’s all good)
- Heat oil (about 1/4 to 1/2 inch in a skillet) in a frying pan until extremely hot
- Now lightly dust your tilapia filets and dunk into your beer batter mix
- Fry until golden and crisp, then drain on paper towels
The fish was moist moist moist and no one had any fish left on their plates after the meal. Definitely a good sign!!

PS. Costco had haddock on sale this week. Anyone have a good recipe to share?
Beer, Costco, fish, molson 67, Recipe, salmon, the rookie chef, tilapia