Posts Tagged ‘Pressed’


Every time I go to Ottawa..I can’ t seem to stop eating. There’s always something new to try and always something I want to bring back to Toronto.

I started off my trip with a tweet up at a new restaurant called Pressed. I had read about it on other blogs (naturally) and thought it would be an ideal spot for a tweet up. Sadly I scheduled a tweet up on a night that the Senators were playing (oops) but I discovered that not EVERYONE watches the hockey game.

I loved the casual atmosphere of this restaurant and was impressed that they even put a few tables together for the tweet up!! Nice touch. I ordered the Margherita sandwich which was described on the menu as: fresh mozarella, basil, smoked tomato, and black olive tapenade.

Now, this could have been an ordinary sandwich but when I bit into the sandwich, I soon discovered that this WASN”T an ordinary sandwich.The addition of the SMOKED tomato made a huge difference!!  It was an amazing sandwich. Their investment to buy a smoker paid off. WOW..why don’t more places offer this smokey goodness?

The Smoker!!

My foodie adventures continued at Mugena which has been around for 17 years. I’ve probably passed it a hundred times but never once had eaten there.  Thanks to my foodie friend @sforzely who recommended this gem of a place that serves Caribbean food. When I walked in, I knew I scored as the place was full of Caribbean customers. While pouring over the menu, I didn’t see any vegetarian options but they were more than accomodating to make me a potato roti. I instantly fell in love with the soft dough and the filling. Next time I will order even more of the mango chutney. My taste buds really enjoy that sour sweet condiment.

will be back for another one!!

I also stopped in to chat with Michael Sutherland from Michaels Dolce who highly recommended that I try the Chai Raisin Loaf from True Loaf. WOW…this bread is so unique and has such a different flavor profile. It’s in my freezer to help me from eating the whole loaf!! True Loaf has been around since 2009 and often sells out so I called first and got there before 1 p.m!!

Great Choice!!

What else did I bring back besides bread? Oh yeah – some  of  Michaels Dolces’ Jam!! I’m so excited to sample his unique jam (think Rhubarb Pepper made with Ontario Rhubarb) that I am going to host a Jam Party so I can share the bread AND the jam. Who wants to join me?

Jam Party Anyone?


Pressed: 750 Gladstone Ottawa ON (613) 680-9294

Mugena: 911 Richmond St. Ottawa ON (613) 722-8228

True Loaf: 573 Gladstone, Ottawa ON (613) 680-4178

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