Actually there isn’t much in my fridge these days. Although I can’t say the same thing about my freezer. It’s packed. So what do you see in my fridge? hmm…lots of egg whites, dairy products, peanut butter and a Brita Pitcher.

I’m really trying hard to stick to a low carb diet these days – can you tell?
As for vegetables: I’ve got a goal to reduce the amount of vegetables that I seem to buy and then not use. (arghh). Therefore I seem to be eating more and more “prepared” salads and stir fries. Recently I tried Fresh Attitude Microwavable Ready to Eat Stir Frys. These kits allowed me to have flavourful stir frys in just minutes. Um – to be exact, my meal was ready in about 4 minutes. Flavours include: Sweet ‘n Sour, Thai, Teriyaki and General Tao. Bonus: no plates required as you can eat right out of the bowl.

I’m also trying to drink more water seeing as my Brita pitcher is providing me with tastier and cleaner water!! This brand has been in my kitchen for decades seeing as my friends husband worked at Brita back in the early 1990’s.
What I love about the Brita pitcher is the Filter Changer Indicator. How. Brilliant.

Seeing as I’m trying harder to drink more, I’m participating in #BritaBootcamp. There is no question that this statement is true: When water taste better then you drink more! Thanks to the Brita Water Filtration System, I’m now enjoying water that tastes better. Much better!
Tell me what’s in your fridge!!
Disclosure: I was provided with product and/or compensated however all my opinions are my own.
Brita, freezer, Fresh Attitude, Fridge, vegetables, Water
ShoppingSeptember 3rd, 2014
Tastemakers Lounge was the first Canadian owned gift suite and it takes place during TIFF. It was founded in 2005 by Debra Goldblatt-Sadowski (Rock-It Promotions) and Lessa Butler (founder of Divine Lab) and this year they are celebrating 10 years!!
Tastemakers Lounge has long been a hotspot for local and International Talent ie. Brad Pitt, Woody Harrelson, Sarah Polley, Samual L Jackson and more.
It’s also open to the media…Lucky Me!! Therefore, I was taken on a tour of the Lounge which featured products from Brita, Lush, Sorel, Danier Leather, Piloti, Tonia DeBellis, olive + piper, Consonant Skin Care (LOVE their products), Calvin Klein REVEAL and more! Most of these brands I was familiar with but some of them were new and now on my radar!!

One company in particular caught my attention. …Rise Gear. They have a very cool product called RISE Jumper Carry-On Bag. This is a Toronto Based company that has created the perfect piece of luggage. I have a feeling I will be using this bag on future weekend trips to Ottawa!!

I was thrilled to see that Sorel has branched out and now offer stylish boots as well as heavy duty winter boots! I’m now looking forward to winter as I’m the proud owner of these Sorels (called Joan of Arctic – don’t you love it!!). Finally my feet are going to be warm this winter. Can’t wait!

I was delighted to be able to help Tastemakers Lounge celebrate their 10th anniversary! Here’s to 10 more!!
For more information:
Hashtag: #Tastemakers10
Twitter: @rockitpromo
Instagram: @rockitpromo
Facebook: Tastemakers
Brita, Calvin Klein, Consonant SKin Care, Danier Leather, Debra Goldblatt-Sadowski, Lush, olive + piper, PIloti, REVEAL, RISE Gear, Sorel, Tastemakers, TIFF, Tonia DeBellis