Ever since I took my first cheese class years ago at Leslieville Cheese market with Julia Rogers, I have been obsessed with Cheese. I have even taken two courses at Murrays Cheese in New York City, while on vacation!! I even have a cheese diary. (please don’t judge me).
My love for cheese was clearly noticed by the good people at Dairy Farmers of Canada as they approached me back in August to take part in a social media campaign called Simple Pleasures of Canadian Cheese.
It’s a pretty cool initiative that I was all too happy to be a part of. I will have the opportunity to eat MORE CANADIAN CHEESE and share my love for Canadian Cheese on Instagram. If you aren’t already following me…please do. I’m easy to find: Just do a search for MOMWHORUNS. I will be using the hashtag: #Simplepleasures and #CDNCheese.
Love this photo that @missfish took of me a few years ago
So far I’ve been munching on:
14 Arpents (Fromagerie Medard), Ricotta (Quality Cheese), Avonlea Cheddar (Cows Creamery), Figaro (Glengarry Cheese), and Five Brothers (Gunns Hill Artisan Cheese).
I was so excited about all these cheeses that I hosted a small wine/cheese party one night. My friends loved the cheese from Five Brothers. However my favorite was Figaro. It has all the right qualities that I’m looking for….so creamy, so rich, so strong.
I’m sure you will be seeing more blog posts about my love for cheese. In the meantime…please follow me on Instragram. Um…Like. …Right Now. LOL.
Cheese, Figaro, instagram, Julia Rogers, Leslieville Cheese Market, Murrays Cheese, Simple Pleasures of Canadian Cheese, Wine and Cheese
Food, TravelMay 25th, 2011
If you are looking for food adventures in NYC, then I highly recommend the following:
a) Go on a food cart tour with Urban Oyster. I went on a food cart tour last year and I was so impressed that I did it again this year. It’s well organized, informative and DELICIOUS. The tour guide (last year and this year) is a food blogger (@EatThisNY) and knows his stuff, so you can’t go wrong. Plus I love how accomodating they are; i.e if you dont like spice, if you dont eat meat etc.
Food Carts on the tour that we visited:
- El Reydel Sabor (King of Flavor)…quesadlias made with pumpkin flour
- Trini Paki Boys Halal Food….veggies with a tarmarind sauce over rice
- Bapcha Korean Cuisine…noodles with stir fried veggies
- Biryani Cart…kati rolls
- Treats truck…for dessert
Biryani Cart
b) Attend a cheese class at Murrays Cheese. I participated in a mixologist and cheese class in 2009 and it was on my list for this years trip. The beer and cheese class worked out well with my schedule so thats what I signed up for. Once again – the presenters for the evening were entertaining and well versed on their respective subjects. Enjoyed listening to both of them.
Plus there were 5 beers!!
c) Visit Smorgasburg in Williamsburg. This outdoor food flea market was launched last weekend and I was thrilled to have found out about it (thank you Google Search)!! The variety of vendors, the setting and the layout was perfect. It was hard to figure out what to eat cause I wanted to try so many things…thankfully @norecipes joined me so we could share everything (problem solved!!). We enjoyed Kelvins Natural Slush & Co, anchovies from Bon Chovie, a noodle dish with peanut sauce, Grass Jelly, Coconut Milk Infused Corn with Scallions and more!
This mustard was launched at Smorgasburg! Loved it...
d) I also found out about Taste of Tribeca (thank you again – google search) and went to check it out – after Smorgasburg. By this time I was FULL – but still managed to try out a few vendors. It was quite the festival – lots and lots of vendors and lots and lots of people. This was a charity event and you could tell that the restaurants and the neighborhood came out to support this cause.
e) It was suggested from @winedanddined that I visit a block in the East Village (7th avenue between 1st and Avenue A) for “great food”..and I did. She was so right!! Lots to eat on that street plus I discovered even more food a block away on St. Marks Pl. Between the two streets this is foodie “heaven”: ButterLane, Lukes Lobster, Porcetta, HolyLand, Crif Dugs, Chocolate Library, and Abreca Coffee.
Oh yeah – one more thing. I went to check out Eataly (in my spare time). I was blown away with this concept. Only had a coffee but I certainly enjoyed walking around and snapping up photos.
Need Mushrooms? Here's a healthy assortment...
Needless to say, I picked a great weekend to visit the city. Sadly there was so much going on that I didn’t actually go to a restaurant in the city. No room in my stomach!! Im not complaining…I know I will be back.
Brooklyn Soda works, ButterLane, Eataly, Lukes Lobster, Murrays Cheese, New York City, Porchetta, Smorgasborg, Taste of Tribeca, Tin Mustard, Urban Oyster