ActivitiesMarch 6th, 2016
When I received an invitation from the founder of Aquamermaid to try a class, I immediately said “YES”.
Seriously, how often does one get a chance to become a mermaid? LOL
The class started off by picking out our “mermaid tails”.

Then everyone introduced themselves with their real name, their mermaid name, and their favourite stretch.
Following the introductions, we got into the water and everyone swam a length.
Then the fun started, as we wiggled into our our respective mermaid tails.

We did some drills in the water – front, back, side. Trust me, everyone was smiling and having fun.

As you can see from this next photo, being a mermaid is harder than it looks!

Then we got a chance to take more photos. LOL.

Things you should know:
-guys can participate and in fact there was a guy in our class.
-this is a super fun party idea for kids AND adults.
-the Mermaid school exists in Ottawa and Montreal as well
-you can actually buy the mermaid tail!
For more information:
Instagram: Aquamermaid
Youtube; Aquamermaid (please oh please click on this link to really get a sense how cool this class is)
Phone: 1 866 279 2767
Classes, Facebook, Fun, Mermaid, Montreal, Ottawa, party, Tail, youtube
A few years ago, I discovered Fluevog while walking thru the Distillery District. I was instantly a fan. I knew that one day I would own a pair and guess what? This past week, I not only bought one pair but two pairs!!

I found out thru Social Media that they were opening up a new store at 686 Queen St and that there would be some additional savings over the weekend. I’m all about savings so I put it in my calendar to drop by the new store.
Here’s what was in that gigantic Fluevog bag!! Note: If I were super savvy I would do a YouTube Unboxing Video. In the meantime, here’s some photos…LOL

I’m in love with the colour, the laces, and the entire design of the boot!
Seeing as I found a boot, I had to find a pair of shoes to purchase too. Don’t you love how I rationalize my shopping purchases?

I love the heel, the colour and basically everything about this shoe.
Here’s more about the Fluevog story: John Fluevog is an independent designer and retailer of forward thinking footwear, since 1970. There are Fluevog stores in Chicago, Boston, New York, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, Denver, Washington, San Francisco…and the list goes on!!
Not only am I a fan of his shoes but I adore his marketing too:

Happy Shopping!!
For more information:
Twitter; @fluevog
Instagram: @fluevog
Distillery District, Fluevog, John Fluevog, Queen St, Shopping, Toronto, Unboxing, youtube
Activities, TravelMay 26th, 2011
A few months ago, I received an email from a friend ,with a link to the Russian and Turkish Baths and I knew that I HAD to visit this place on my visit to NYC.

I spent some time looking at the website and knew that it would be an adventure. I wasn’t wrong – it was indeed a great experience. I have never been to anything quite like it.
They have separate hours for women and men. Plus there’s co-ed. My schedule only allowed me to go to the co-ed option. So I packed my bathing suit and off I went.
I was given a key for my locker and told to put my valuables in their safe. (which I did). Then I went to a locker room to get into my bathing suit. I also told the staff at the front desk that I wanted a platza treatment. (no appt necessary – how awesome)
When I walked out of the womens locker room, a RIPPED GUY (did I just say that?) approached me and said “I am Dennis and I’m here to give you your “platza oak leaf treatment”. I honestly was expecting a big fat russian woman but hey – the ripped guy will be just fine. LOL

Dennis told me to experience the different steam rooms and that he would find me later I did.
Lets review what I experienced:
- The Russian Sauna: According to the website, the oven is filled with 20,000 lbs of rock which are cooked overnight. During the day, these rocks give off intense heat. Apparently only a handful of places have this type of room in the United States. When you walk in – its really dark – kinda like a cave and there’s these white plastic buckets (like the type you use for mopping your kitchen floor) and a large basin filed with water. When YOU CANT TAKE THE HEAT, you take the bucket and throw COLD COLD water onto yourself. I loved this room the best.
- Turkish Room – I liked this room too. Kinda like a wet steam room but with a shower inside so you could cool yourself off without having to leave the room (how brilliant).
- Steam Room – this room had so much eucalyptus scent that I started to cough and had to leave. However I returned later on – and got use to it.
- The Redwood Sauna – typical dry shvitz. Not complaining but not my favorite.
- The Ice Cold Pool – I’m not kidding – this is a pool with ICE COLD WATER. I felt the cold IN MY BONES. This is serious Sh*t. I shook my head when I saw people swimming or dunking their whole bodies into this water
Now let’s talk about the people: Not once did I feel uncomfortable even though at 2 p.m on a Sunday there were 15 men and 4 woman there. People were shmoozing away in each room unlike the QUIET ZONE I am use to at other spas. I liked it. One guy was even sharing his home made salt scrub with a whole bunch of us. Nice!!
As for my platza oak leaf treatment. Dennis found me, and then led me into the Russian Sauna (didnt realize it would take place in a public room – but hey – I just rolled with it). He told me to lie on my stomach on one of the benches. He put a towel over my head and then proceeded with the treatment. It felt like I was going thru a car wash. (not when the hard spinning bristles hit the car, but when those long soft ribbons hit the car). I loved it. I really did. Between the heat, the oak leaves hitting my body, and the buckets of cold water splashed on me – it was indeed SUPER RELAXING. I felt like a wet noodle afterwards. I even said “I could do with a nap now”.
I was drained even though the treatment wasnt that long. Then I had a shower (to rinse off the oak leaves) and had a quick head massage and shoulder rub to relax me even more.
Would I go back again? In a heart beat. Would I get a platza oak leaf treatment again? in a heart beat.
PS if you go to YouTube – do a search for “platza treatment” and you will find a video.
Ice Cold Poo, New York City, Platza treatment, Russian Turkish Baths, youtube