Big changes are about to arrive at Starbucks. Starting today (March 3rd) you will notice an entire new line up of pastries from a bakery called La Boulange.
This is a bakery that’s iconic in San Francisco and was founded by renowned chef and baker and cookbook author, Pascal Rigo.
Lucky me….I got the chance to meet him at a recent launch. I have to say that when he was talking about his childhood and his first adventures in the kitchen, I could sense his love for baking.
Of course, I also had the opportunity to sample croissants, cookies, and more. #HappyTummy
It’s interesting to note, that croissants can now be served warm. How awesome is that?
I have a feeling that Canadians are going to be delighted to see these changes at Starbucks and will be nibbling on more pastries while they enjoy their coffee.
I know I will be indulging!! (after I run – of course). LOL
For more information:
Twitter: @StarbucksCanada