ActivitiesJune 11th, 2012
This should come as no surprise to you, but I am NOT a car expert. This blog entry will not include statistics, fancy engineering terms or anything techie. It’s going to simply be a review about my initial impressions driving a Chevy Volt for four days (I know, I know…lucky me).

I spent 4 glorious days driving this car!!
First Impression:
I swear I pushed the button (no key necessary) to start the engine and immediately started to talk to myself. It’s a shame no one was in the car to video my reaction. I kept repeating “This is too cool..this is just too cool”.

Look at all this cool info!!
Second Impression:
The car feels “heavy” (but in a good way). It did not feel like I was driving my Versa. I felt really safe driving it.
Third Impression:
How freakin’ cool to plug in my car at night to charge the battery ( it took 8 hours with a normal socket).

Fourth Impression:
I drove for 65 km using the battery and then the car seamlessly starts to use the small gas powered engine. It’s too cool
Fifth Impression:
Gas mileage on the Chevy Volt is insanely awesome.
Sixth Impression:
This car is QUIET. I mean really really QUIET. It’s scary how quiet it is!!
Seventh Impression:
This is the future.
Eight Impression:
I was so PROUD to be driving a car with this license plate.

Ninth Impression
I wish I owned one!!
Last but not Least:
Thanks again to the good people at General Motors who arranged for me to drive this spectacular vehicle. It was truly an experience I won’t forget.
Car Review, Chevy Volt, Electric Car, Gas, General Motors
Last week, I had the pleasure to drive a Chevy Volt for four full days which meant I was going on four day trips. There was no way an electric car was going to sit in my underground garage!! I was going to drive it and I did.(happily!!)
This blog post is dedicated to day #1 where I drove to Fergus Ontario (about an hour away from Toronto) so I could learn to fly fish with Wilson’s Fly Fishing Centre. I found them thru the internet (google, google google) and was thrilled to find out that they had some time to teach me how to fly fish.

Fly Fishing was not on my 2012 bucket list but it should have been. I have always wanted to try it but it’s not something you can just pick up and do. Wilson’s Fly Fishing Centre was the perfect place to learn. All I had to bring was sunglasses and a hat and they provide everything else.
When I walked thru the store, I was immediately greeted by my guide (and instructor) Rob. After the initial introductions, I changed into my waders, boots and a Wilson’s Fly Fishing Tshirt (what a nice touch) and off we went to the Grand River.

Within 20 minutes, we were wading thru the Grand River to find the “perfect spot”. Rob has been a professional fly fishing guide for over 12 years and is extremely passionate about this sport. I was quickly given “fly fishing 101” lessons and within no time at all – I was Fy Fishing!!

My Fly Fishing experience was highlighted by the fact that both Rob and I – BOTH caught brown trout. Except mine got away (my luck) and Rob had a chance to reel his catch in, so that I could take a photo.

ps...catch and release
I also found out that Wilson’s is one of only two stores in CANADA with multiple locations (a) downtown Toronto and (b) Fergus Ontario. Pretty cool.
All in all – I was thrilled to have experienced fly fishing and to have caught a brown trout (even if he got away). Can you tell I’m still getting over it?
This means, that I’m just going to have to hang out with Wilson’s again!! It truly is a “fun” sport and you can’t beat the surroundings.

PS if you are looking for a unique birthday gift or a fathers day gift…..look no further. Give Wilson’s Fly Fishing School a call.
My next blog post will be dedicated to Day #2 and Day #3. Stay tuned for more of my adventures with the Chevy Volt. Oh and don’t worry – I will be blogging about the Volt as well!!
WIilson’s Fly Fishing Centre:- Toronto: 199 Queen St East (416) 569 34 74 (ps lessons are available in the GTA too)
WIlson’s Fly Fishing Centre – Fergus (519) 8787 3474
Chevrolt, Electric Car, Fathers Day, Fergus, Fly Fishing, Grand Bend River, Ontario, Volt, Wilsons Fly Fishing Centre
ActivitiesDecember 11th, 2011
My Bucket List for 2012. Drum Roll..Please.
1. Drive a Volt. I mean how cool would it be to drive a full performance and full speed electric car? Seriously, I want to drive this car not just because it’s cool but because it’s the right thing to do. My next car will not be a gas guzzling car – repeat – will not be a gas guzzling car.

2. Try the Coconut Cream Pie at Scaramouche. It’s about time I order this famous pie. Reservations have been made in early January with four foodie friends. One piece of pie and 4 forks. So technically this will soon be OFF my bucket list. Hooray for me.

many thanks to @taylor40906 for this gorgeous photo
3. Try Rowing. I have always wanted to try this sport. I even called the Mississauga Rowing Club but never made it out there last summer. This summer…will be different.
4. Make Risotto. My friend @TheBumpercrop told me she would be happy to help me out as I have “fear of risotto”. LOL
5. Visit Detroit. I have never been before and again it’s time for me to “eat my way thru Trader Joe’s“.
6. Go to a Concert. I’m pathetic. ..have been to only 3 concerts in my life. Bay City Rollers (stop laughing. Please.), Rod Stewart and Dire Straights (in Israel). I think it’s time to change this.
7. Camp out on Island Spirits. Last year I stayed in their eco cabin but this year I want to try camping on this spectacular island.

8. Participate in another half marathon AND a sprint triathlon. Last year, I only did a half marathon but I really miss the challenge of doing a triathlon. See how happy I am in the photo?

9. Use RCI. I have 3 weeks to use and haven’t used it for years. All my weeks have disappeared into Time Share Heaven and I need to fix this.
10. Watch TV more often. Would like to watch tv shows that I hear about all the time and never watch i.e Modern Family, True Blood, and Dexter.
Chevrolet, Coconut Cream Pie, Electric Car, Island Spirits, Mississauga Rowing club, RCI, Rice Lake, Scaramouche, Volt