Posts Tagged ‘Dance’



I really wanted to blog about body pump, but then I went to a Zumba class at Goodlife Fitness and changed my mind after the Zumba class!!

This weeks post is about Zumba. Next week I will post about Body Pump. Promise.

Here is what I discovered:



a) I was impressed that I  was sweating more that I do in a body pump class!!

b) the positive energy in the room was contagious…no joke, 60 people (including a dozen men) were working out and SMILING throughout the hour class

c) it was FUN. Really really fun. Not saying my body pump class isn’t fun, but this is SUPER fun. (do you know what I mean).

Apparentely this instructor has a real following. Not every instructor has 60 participants in their class, but guess who will going back to the Monday nite class at 7:30 p.m?

Oops, forgot to tell you what is Zumba all about? Silly me.

It’s kinda like a dance class but with purpose…ie my heart beat was up and EVERYONE was dripping. (including me). The music was fabulous and the dance moves are easy to learn if you follow the instructor. Some moves/steps are easier than others but I was still smiling!!

Hope you get a chance to check out a Zumba class as well.

(if you click on the word “zumba” – you will get the link to their website).

Happy Zumba!!

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