How could I say no to an invitation that had the word “Cake Boss” in it? I love cake as much as the next person does and was eager to join in the fun, as Canadian Tire was launching the Cake Boss Bakeware Line in Canada.
The event was held at The Fifth Grill & Terrance and when you walked in there were about a dozen tables that looked like this.

I was a bit freaked to actually participate as I like to EAT cake but had never ever touched fondant before. Here’s proof of my total inexperience!!

However the lovely Gabby Parisi (@GabrielleParisi) who’s a cake decorating expert, came by each participant to help us out!! Clearly I accepted her help.

I finally got a bit more confidence and decorated my cake after being inspired by watching Pay Chen and Theresa Albert decorate their respective cakes!!

A well deserved glass of champagne to celebrate my first cake decorating class!
Next time you are in Canadian Tire, please look out for the Cake Boss Bakeware Line. Another great addition to their ever growing kitchen department.

Bakeware, Cake, Cake Boss, Fondant, Gabby Parisi, Pay Chen, The Fifth Grill and Terrace, Theresa Albert
Meet Susan and Bruce. Bruce is a busy litigation lawyer during the day, but when he comes home he enjoys watching the Food Network (a lot). He is such a huge fan that Susan planned a driving trip to visit his favorite restaurants/chefs that he watches on the Food Network as a birthday gift.
How awesome is that? I met with Susan recently who printed out the itinerary for me. She’s one organized woman!!
Day 1:
New Jersery – Carlos Bakery – featured on Cake Boss.
Manhattan – Max Brenner Chocolate Restaurant – featured on The Best Thing I Ever Ate
Stand 4 – Featured on The Best Thing I Ever Ate ( he had the roasted marshmallow milkshake)
Butter: – Chef Alexandra Guarnaschelli was a judge on Chopped.

Day 2
Bar Americain- Iron Chef Bobby Flays’ Restuarant
Food Network Building
Morimoto – Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto
Del Posto – Iron Chef Mario Batali’s restaurant
Day 3
Maze – Chef Gordon Ramsey
Drove to Balitmore for Charm City Cakes (featured on Ace of Cakes)

Woodberry Kitchen – Featured on the Best Thing I Ever Ate (they ate the chocolate marshmallow and peanut dessert)
Day 4 – Drove to Washington
Georgetown Cupcake – DC Cupcakes on TLC and part of the Cupcake Wars on the Food Network
Drove to Cleveland
Lola – Chef Michael Symon
Highlights for Bruce: the roasted marshmallow milkshake, dinner at Lola, Morimoto.
Doesn’t this sound like a great birthday gift?
Bar Americain, Bobby Flay, Butter, Cake Boss, Chopped, Food Network, georgetown cupcake, Il Posto, Iron Chef, lola, Maria Batali, Max Brenner, Maze, Morimoto, stand 4, Woodberry Kitchen