Posts Tagged ‘Liberte’


I’ve blogged before about “Desserts with Two Ingredients”  but I challenged myself to think of more desserts that had only two (or 3) ingredients and I did it!!

My busy brain thought of  these two recipes that are  super easy, and tasty desserts. Well to be honest, one recipe I thought of myself and the other recipe I found on the Life Made Delicious website.  The first recipe I have been enjoying since I was a kid. (thanks Mom!!)

Here’s the recipes. (I won’t keep you in suspense much further).

Chocolate Covered Bananas


Two ingredients! Could life get any better?

1 cup of melted chocolate chips

3-4 bananas


1. melt the chocolate chips

2. dip bananas into the melted chocolate

3. place on a plate that has been lined with wax paper.

4. insert a wooden stick or steal a plastic stick from those molds!!

5. freeze


Cheerio Covered Bananas


Oops..this recipe has 3 ingredients!!

plain yoghurt




1. dip banana into yogurt (I used Liberte yogurt because I’m a huge fan these days of this product)

2. place the banana on a plate lined with waxed paper

3. sprinkle Cheerios on top (do not roll into a plate of Cheerios – sprinkle!!)

4. insert a wooden stick

5. freeze


I bet know these desserts will be a hit. Who said desserts had to be cakes or pies or tarts or cookies?


Disclosure: I am part of the Life Made Delicious Blogger program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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Usually I enjoy making soup, but with these types of temperatures…. soup is NOT on my mind. Instead, I was inspired to make frozen yogurt as a result of this tweet I saw on twitter:

@FamilyBites: I am totally making this tomorrow! RT @dinnerwithjulie: Liberté Lemon Fro-Yo y’all.

I clicked on the link and said to myself “I MUST TRY THIS. STAT”….so I did. (this doesnt suprise you does it?).

As you know, I bought a Cuisinart ice cream maker/frozen yogurt machine last year. It was in “hibernation mode” over the last 6 months so it was time to bring it out. Plus, I was having guests for dinner and thought this would make the perfect dessert.

I followed these smple instructions:

a) bought Liberte yoghurt  (that’s a step, right?)

Step One: Go to the Grocery Store!!

b) put the entire container into the Cuisinart ice cream/frozen yogurt machine.

Let the Frozen Yoghurt Machine do its magic!!

c) flicked the button on. (oh what effort) and waited 10 minutes while it did it’s magic

d) served it to my guests!!

How simple! How healthy! How Perfect.

Summer is going to be great AND summer is going to be TASTY too.

One final note: I am now very curious to compare different brands of yogurts and different flavors as well. Stay tuned for a report.



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