Today I discovered a new product that I think is just brilliant. It’s called Beetborsht Inabeerbottle.

I’m familiar with Borsht as I grew up with it but would NEVER (repeat NEVER) go near it. It was in a ugly bottle and it was simply unappealing.
However today I went into Harbord Bakery and came across this new concept and in a nano second I was having a sample. Within another nanosecond, I was buying 2 bottles. Just like that!!

The brains behind this bottle are: Rafi, Tyler and Misha. Rafi (on the right) is one of the owners of Habord Bakery, along with his sister Susan. They are proudly celebrating their 70th Anniversary and this beetborsht inabeerbottle was created to celebrate this occasion.

Harbord Bakery is famous for this product as well as many other baked goods.

On a side note: My dad is turning 87 at the end of August and I’m sure I will be bringing him a few bottles for him to enjoy. It’s going to be the perfect gift. I have no doubt, I will bringing more bottles to Ottawa for the Jewish New Year in September as well.
For more information:
Harbord Bakery, 115 Harbord St, Toronto
(416) 922-5767
Anniversary, Beet, borsht, bottle, Challah, Harbord, Harbord Bakery
Last week, I woke up on Saturday and decided it would be a great day to head to Buffalo. Just like that. I swear I crossed the border around noon and was home by 6 pm!! You see….I only visit two stores: Target and Wegmans.
Here’s what I bought at Wegmans.
a) Blue Hill Beet Yogurt! I probably should have bought all three flavours (sweet potato and carrot) but it was kind of pricey so I only bought one.

When I got home I tried it and decided that it would be great it if I paired it with something. So I took out a piece of salmon and bingo – I had myself a pretty beautiful lookin’ dinner.

b) CHIA POD: Again….I only bought one and now Im kicking myself. I picked up the banana flavour and it is BEYOND DELICIOUS. The banana flavour is INTENSE. I also noticed that ingredients: chia, coconut milk and banana. Talk about a pure product.

c) BOILED PEANUTS: I brought back these peanuts from a trip to Detroit a few years ago and was thrilled to see that Wegmans was carrying them in Buffalo. Sadly I keep serving them to guests and no one else likes it besides me!!

I bought a few more goodies (naturally) but only wanted to share a few items with you!
On a different note: I want to give a shout out to the store manager, Jim. He approached my friend and I to let us know that there was a “suspicious” person following us in the store. JIm assured us that the security staff were on alert and just wanted to give us a heads up and make sure that our purses were secure etc. When we ready to head to the car in the parking lot, we had TWO escorts with us. Thank you Jim and his amazing security staff for ensuring that my friend and I had a safe shopping experience.
Beet, Blue Hill, Boiled Peanuts, Buffalo, Chia Pod, security, Wegmans, Yogurt