Posts Tagged ‘Korean Family Spa’


I’m ending 2016 with some serious splurging. Splurging is generally not a word in my vocabulary but for some reason I really needed to “splurge”.

It all started with a overnight get away to Millcroft Inn where I hung out in their heated outdoor hot tubs. What a treat. (ps there will be another blog post about my stay at the Millcroft Inn – don’t you worry!)


When I returned to Toronto I still felt like relaxing, so I went to the Korean Family Spa. It doesn’t compare to being in Mexico but I welcomed the opportunity to enjoy their 8 different saunas and their wet steam room.


Then I did some shopping at Fluevog. Can’t wait to wear these two pairs of shoes! It’s a good thing that I have a few events in January because I certainly want to wear them and not have to just look at them in my cupboard.



Oh ya – I treated myself to my very first Le Creuset. I have facebook to blame for this splurge as one of my facebook friends told me about a Le Creuset sale at the Bay!! Before you know it, I was doing some online shopping. I haven’t used it yet but I know I’m going to enjoy these dish. I just hope I don’t keep buying more!!


I didn’t splurge on a fancy dinner or fancy food because I’m perfectly content these days to cook at home plus I’m trying to eat “healthier”. Here’s my version of a healthy banana split. Basically it’s a banana, stuffed with Plain SKYR. topped with strawberries and chocolate covered quinoa puffs. If you haven’t tried SKYR yet, you should. It’s got 22 percent more protein than Greek Yogurt.


My healthy banana split looked like this:


I’m looking forward to 2017. …more travelling, more friendships, more fantastic food and more adventures. Naturally I will try to share this experiences with you via my blog, facebook and Instagram too!!

Wishing you a fabulous New Years too.



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When I went to Dr. Laffa in August, I drove by the following sign.

I thought to myself that it would a great place to check out in the winter when it’s -30 and we have 20 cms of snow. Neither happend and I couldn’t wait much longer so I went!!

Of course I checked out the Korean Family Sauna website first so I could learn what to expect. After reviewing it, I knew that I wanted to go. So I did.

When you walk in…this is what you see.

When you pay ($20), you receive a locker key, a pair of cotton shorts and a cotton tshirt, and 2 very small towels. (um, I should be specific – the towels were the size of handtowels)

Cotton Shorts/Cotton Shirt, Locker Key and Two VERY SMALL towels

When you get dressed in their cotton tshirt and the cotton shorts – this is what I looked like. Pretty site eh? Felt like prison clothes.

Can't believe I am posting this photo!

The change room is huge, and clean. Infact the whole place is absolutely spotless with gleaming hardwood floors.

The games room is also huge. I mean HUGE. There’s a pool table, numerous leather couches, several flat screen tv’s, and a cafeteria that is licensed. That’s right – licensed.

The main room is also huge and you can call this the “warm up room”. There are bamboo mats to lie on (with wooden blocks to rest your head)  and people just relax here.

You simply just relax in this room, which is surrounded by 8 saunas

I brought a magazine, my Iphone and a pair of ear phones. The other people in this room with me, included a Korean family of 4. i.e mom, dad and their two kids (10 and 12?).

There’s 8 different doors that lead you into the saunas. Some are warmer than others but whats important is the rocks on the wall. Each room have different rocks that have different health benefits. I went to each and every sauna.

One sauna had these lovely colored rocks on the wall.

What I found interesting in these saunas was the fact that there were no benches in them. You simply lay on your bamboo mat.

In between visiting each sauna room, I hung out in the cold room.

I also enjoyed the opportunity to go back into the games room to enjoy a Sapporo ($9) and a maki roll. ($4.50)

My visit to the Korean Family spa cost me $20 (food and alcohol separate) and I swear I was there for close to three hours. Pretty good value, in my humble opinion.

Definitely worth visiting if you like saunas!! I know I will be returning. I have no doubt in my mind.

Things I learned:

-bring a 1.5 litre of water with you. I promise you, you will drink the whole thing (you can refill it there).

-bring shower shoes for the shower

-bring a book, magazine, earphones, music and earphones

-bring a towel incase you want something larger than the towel they give you, which is the size of a kitchen towel. It makes GoodLife’s towels look like bathsheets.

Korean Family Spa – 382 Magenetic Drive (416) 514-1965 Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!

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