Now that the Sporting Life 10k is behind me, I feel that it’s time to sign up for a Sprint Triathlon. I haven’t done one since 2011 and I miss the cross training.

To psyche me up for this new goal, I did a few things:
a) I bought a road bike. This was a huge step for me (ie huge investment) but it feels good. I went to the EnduroSports annual swap event, and bingo I walked out with this beauty for $500. #totallyscore

b) MEC (otherwise known as Mountain Equipment Co-op) helped me out in regard to some accessories. For example, a pair of sun glasses (which are critical when you are out there riding), and a pair of gloves (again, critical) .

Of course, I needed a pouch to hold my beloved Samsung Galaxy S5, keys, and gel packs.

I’ve actually been a huge fan of MEC ever since the kids were little and I bought a MEC snowsuit. To this day, I still think they are the most brilliant snowsuits out there!!

To be honest, when my cousins were visiting from Israel, we put MEC on the list of “tourist attractions” as it truly is a spectacular store with quality products and service.
Now it’s time for me to get in the pool, get out there and ride, and continue to run. Wish me luck.
Promise to keep you updated
Disclosure: Some products were provided to me that were mentioned in this blog post, however all opinions are my own
bike, Endurosports, Grimsby, MEC, milton, Mountain Equipment Coop, Peterborough, run, Sporting LIfe 10k, Swim, Triathlon
I have been going to Chudleighs for years and years and years, and I still love it. I’m not sure who has a better time, the kids or me!!
I love the whole thing – the wagon ride out to the apple orchards, the corn on the cob, the fresh crisp apples and watching the kids have a blast on the slide or playing in the maze.

After a few years, I have now perfected my visit!! Here’s a few tips to make your trip more pleasant:
-Bring your own water. The kids will be thirsty after running around so much!
-Try to go as early as possible. (i.e when it opens first thing in the morning) Chudleighs is POPULAR.
-When you arrive, head right to the wagon rides to avoid super long line ups later.
-after you pick your apples, pay for them right away. Again – this will help you to avoid super long line ups later.
In the event you are looking for some inspiration to make pie…on Saturday Sept 17th, there is an apple pie contest at Chudleighs!! I actually made an apple ONCE . It wasnt as hard as I thought but for some reason I have never made it again. I like to switch things up a bit – apple crisp, baked apples, apple pie, sliced apple with peanut butter, sliced apple with cheddar cheese etc. I even dice up apples and put them into salads sometimes.

So hurry to Chudleighs for a great fall outing. Its just off the 401 and worth the drive.
Chudleighs, 9528 Hwy 25, Halton Hills, (905) 878-2725.
apple pie, apples, chudleighs, corn on the cobb, Halton Hills, milton, piefest
ActivitiesOctober 3rd, 2010
I have been going to Chudleighs for so many years that I have lost track. I love it so much that I have taken many many many friends over the years so I can share my fondness for this well run family operation.
I try to pick a sunny Sunday (easier said than done) and off we go EARLY. This is the trick to a successful trip to Chudleighs.
Here is the game plan.
9:30 a.m. head to Tim Hortons (like any good family outing) and then head to the highway.
10:15 a.m arrive at Chudleighs, park, pay admission etc.
10:30 a.m. head right to the tractors that take you out to the apple orchards
11:15 a.m. head to the cashiers to pay for your apples (if you miss this step, you will wait in line forever at the end of the day)
11:30 a.m. head to the bbq for unbelievable corn on the cob

12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m…enjoy the petting zoo, the swings, the playground, the corn maze, the cafe, pony rides etc
REPEAT those activities over and over.
I know the schedule is tight but I promise you…it works. Otherwise you will be faced with long line ups and cranky children. (not in that order).
Other farms you might want to visit: Forsythe Farms and Pingles Farm Market.
Happy Apple Picking!!
apples, chudleighs, corn on the cob, family, milton, Toronto