I’ve decided to write two blog posts about Montreal. The first blog post was “What I ate in Montreal” and now this blog post will be dedicated to “What I Bought in Montreal”. It wasn’t hard for me to whip out my Visa every few minutes while walking thru Jean Talon Market saying “I want this – I want that”.
Here’s a list of what I brought back to Toronto:
a) BLACK GARLIC: I’ve seen dried black garlic sold in packages in grocery stores but have never seen fresh black garlic. Have you? I will be roasting it this week and shmearing it on a toasted baguette. Will get back to what it tastes like. At $120/lb it better be freakin’ awesome. I think this ONE bulb cost a few dollars. P.S. I found the black garlic at Chez Louis, which is a well known fruit/veggie vendor at JTM. (Jean Talon Market)
b) BEER: There’s quite a few beers that are brewed in Quebec that aren’t available at the LCBO. Sad but true. Seeing as I’m all about “flavor”, I selected a few unusual beers: El Lapino, which is a Jalapeno Beer (you can actually see the jalepeno floating around in the bottle), La Carotte Du Lievre which is a Carrot Beer, and Spruce Beer (which isn’t alcholic).
Not a bad line up:
c) ETHIOPIAN BEBERE: Bought this spice at a popular store in JTM that called Olives & Epices. Not sure why I selected this spice but looks like I will be bringing out my mortar and pestle soon. All I know is that this 150 g pot is going to last me for years!! Infact there is an expiry date on it: 2016/08/07. HA.
d) BEURRE DE PATRIMONIE: Discovered this butter a few years ago, and now I can’t seem to visit Montreal without buying a tub or two. Ingredients: cream and sea salt (with no preserving agents). This is as pure as it get. I hear all their products are awesome but sadly haven’t had a chance to try their yogurts or their milk. One day..One day.
As you can tell, my trip to Jean Talon Market was a success!!
Jean Talon Market, 7070 Avenue Henri Julien, Montreal, Quebec 514 247 1588 (opened 7 days a week)