I’ve been making lunches for a while now as I have a daughter who is almost 16 and a son who is 19. I’m not going to do the math (cause I hate math) but I’m pretty sure I’ve made A LOT of lunches over the years.
In a recent survey of 1,000 GTA parents, Longo’s delved into the topic of getting back into the school year routine. Here are a few highlights:
·While 15 percent of parents confess they would rather walk over hot coals than make their kids’ lunches every day, the majority don’t mind the weekday routine.
· This isn’t just about what moms think –Forty-six percent of dads take ownership of school lunches and enjoy the job (81 percent of men enjoy packing lunch vs 76 percent of women).
– One quarter of respondents say they lose their meal-making mojo by the second week of school. That number increases to half by Thanksgiving
For my kids, lunches have always revolved around a sandwich, a fruit, a veggie, 2 snacks and a drink. Actually the school they attended sent out letters about ideal lunches and snacks!
Here are my 5 tips:
1) Invest in a Thermos. They aren’t cheap but they are SO worth it. I’ve stuffed them with rice/veggies, pasta and soup. It’s a nice alternative to a sandwich and your kids might enjoy something hot too.

2) TALK to your kids about their favorite snacks, favorite veggies and fruit. I’m not kidding but I’m still doing this as it seems to constantly change. I now pack – sliced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, hummus, a sandwich, sliced apple, and water. However I put money on it, that this list will change in 6 months!!
3) Head to Longo’s to take advantage of their “snack and go” items. I consider this a “treat” but I know that my daughter will enjoy it and it saves me a bit of time too. Longo’s has a fantastic website with all sorts of great information to inspire you to make those 5 lunches each and every week!
4) Mix it up a bit. Here’s what I mean … instead of a sandwich I’ve been wrapping up a veggie hot dog in a whole wheat tortilla!
5. Put a note in your childs lunch box every once in a while. My mom did this for me and I still remember it.

6. Check out the Longo’s Recipe Database for some inspirational recipes. This will really help. Trust. Me.
September is truly a crazy month for parents – there’s school supplies to buy, outfits to purchase, forms to fill out and all those orientation meetings etc. If you find you are pressed for time, don’t forget that Grocery Gateway might come in handy at this time of year.
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Disclosure: I’ve been compensated for this post, however all my opinions are my own.