UncategorizedAugust 15th, 2013
Who is MomWhoRuns and What Does She Do? T’is the big question. So here is the answer.

Who Is MomWhoRuns?
I seriously should have called myself “MomWhoEats” but years ago when I first started blogging with Urbanmoms, I was a mommy blogger. I then noticed how much I loved sharing recipes, reviewing restaurants and have slowly morphed into a food blogger. I still write about other topics…as long as I think it’s of interest to my dear readers (yes..thats you)
I have truly embraced the journey of blogging. Soon it will be 4 years since I first started blogging and I’m seriously hoping to launch a new “look”. Stay tuned. It’s about time!
What Do I Do?
For many years I was a food sales rep. Then I saw a niche market to tweet for restaurants that didn’t have time to tweet nor did they have the skills. It was a tough sell many years ago, but these days everyone knows that they need to be using Social Media. My services have expanded to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram as well as blogger outreach. I even have two clients in Ottawa. (which I think is pretty cool). I call myself a Social Media Consultant (not an expert).
Oh yeah – I’ve also given dozens of twitter lessons over the years for those who want to handle their own accounts. It’s all good. I can’t complain.
One day there will be a formal website called Hire Me To Tweet!! One day….
One can often find me, tweeting from a coffee shop. If you see me and my MacBook…please say hi.
Hope this blog post gives you a better idea of who I am and what I do.
ps Many thanks to @ledolci who inspired me to write this blog post after a quick chat we had this week.
blog, blogger, Facebook, instagram, Le Dolci, momwhoruns, Pinterest, Social Media, twitter, urbanmoms
UncategorizedFebruary 24th, 2013
“How Did You Start Blogging?”
I get asked this question a lot so I decided it might be a good time to blog about the answer to this question.
Here’s the story (vs. Here’s the Recipe..LOL).
In April 2009, I was searching thru Craigslist and stumbled upon an ad that said “Wanted; Mommy Bloggers for A National Food Campaign”. I hit the link and sent an email that I guess entertained them, as I got an email back. (which was from Agent Wildfire, by the way)
They were looking for mommy bloggers for a National Activia campaign. There were a few of us selected…one from Western Canada, 2 in Toronto (@ParentClub and I) and I believe someone in Montreal too.
We then signed a six page contract. We also had a skype call. Eventually I had a twitter lesson too (thanks @theKaren). But it NEVER GOT OFF THE GROUND.
I was really disappointed. In fact we were all disappointed.
I decided that I wanted to pursue “blogging” and thought I would research other mommy blogger sites. To be honest – at that time – I didn’t even know food bloggers or travel bloggers or lifestyle bloggers existed!
I sent an email to Urbanmoms and Jen Maier took the time to email me back and meet me at a local Starbucks. The meeting ended with a handshake and a commitment that I would be called “Not So Supermom”, plus I would refrain from swearing. Those were the only rules!
I posted 3 times a week for a year as Not So Supermom and loved the experience. However all good things come to an end.
In September 2010 – my days with Urbanmoms were over.
I consulted with @theresaalbert for an hour on the phone – who counseled me whether to go to another mommy website or start my own.
The outcome of that discussion: To start my own blog.
I then hired a young woman who was starting a web design business and bingo – 6 weeks later I launched Momwhourns in October 2010.
What a great journey it has been.
The End.
ps blogging wouldn’t be so much fun with the amazing support of my readers. Thank you for your continued support over the years.
Activia, agent wildfire, blog, craigslist, Jen Maier, Theresa Albert, twitter, urbanmoms, website