Here’s a few ideas for you and I hope you like them. I really tried to be creative. #justsayin
1. Give mom the gift of a one-on -one computer lesson.
Here’s a photo of my mom using my old iPhone 5. Bye Bye Flip Phone! She had one on one lessons with a friend who specializes in teaching seniors how to use smartphones/facebook/tablets etc. BEST GIFT.

2. Give Mom a calendar with 12 of your favourite photos.
I’m in the process of doing this RIGHT now using the new Kodak App. Oh how I love technology.

3. Give mom a new appliance from Breville.
I’m in love with all my Breville appliances and she will be too!

4. Give mom the gift of Technology. Take a peek at what Samsung has to offer these days. See this wireless charger? I know I would be one happy mom if I got one of these. LOL

5.. Give mom a subscription: May I suggest a subscription to Netflix, or Texture? (I’m a fan of both)
6.. If you have old letters that she sent to you at camp…. bring them out and read them to her. Seriously, this is so much fun.

7. Head over to Etsy. There’s no shortage of unique gifts on this website.
Hope these ideas were useful and have a wonderful day.
Breville, Easy, iPhone, letters, Mother's Day, Samsung, technology
ActivitiesApril 8th, 2012
I’ve read blog posts about this question before and thought that it was clever, so I’m copying borrowing the idea. (I’m honest). Here is the answer to WHAT’S IN MY PURSE?

a) I want to talk about the purse first. It’s from Target and was only $19.99. I am simply loving it. It’s the perfect size and has all the colors that I want to wear this spring.
b) The Body Shop Plum Lip Balm called “Born Lippy”. I’m impressed with the flavor, the texture and the color. #happy.

c) my Iphone. OMG – if my phone wasn’t in my purse I wouldn’t be able to leave the house!!
d) my keys (naturally) which now has a Sobeys and Goodlife pass attached to it. What a brilliant concept. Bye Bye Membership card (which I always lost) and hello SWIPE.
e) my Michael Kors wallet which could be a purse on it’s own. I’ve been enjoying this wallet for 2 years now but probably should buy one in a zippy color. (one day).
f) Mentos Gum called UP 2 U – 2 flavors, 1 pack, you decide. I’m a total sucker for new products so I picked up sweet mint and bubble fresh on my last trip to the States.

g) Floss. Can’t live without my Oral B Satin floss. Thanks @ToothFairy1210 for always making sure I have a good supply!!

What else should I be carrying in my purse?:
a) a small point and shoot camera. I love my DSLR but kinda miss my point and shoot on occasion.
b) a pen
c) money. That’s right – money. I rarely have money on me and there are moments where I really need a quarter for a grocery basket!!
Now it’s your turn. What’s in Your Purse?
Gum, iPhone, Keys, Lip Balm, Mentos, Michael Kors, Oral B Satin Floss, Purse, Sobeys, The Body Shop, UP 2 U
Thanks to Pinterest (and not twitter for a change) I bought a Belkin iPad Kitchen Mount Holder. I saw a picture of it on Pinterest- clicked to find out more and then went on Amazon to buy it.
It was THAT simple.
Here’s what motivated me to buy it:
a) no assembly required. That’s right – no screws, no bolts…Nothing!!
b) this gadget will ensure that my iPad wont get filthy when I cook/bake as it’s suspended in the air and not sitting on the counter.
c) I will now be able read recipes on my iPad while I cook/bake and not have to bring my MacBook into the kitchen.
d) I now have my playlist right at my fingertips in the kitchen. I believe music and cooking go hand and hand.
Seriously… this was a good investment.
I now have 3 Belkin products…a Belkin cover for my iPhone, a Belkin cover for my iPad and now a Belkin Kitchen Mount for my Ipad. I guess you could say I am brand loyal.
I am happy.
What tech gadget have you bought lately? Do share.
Amazon, Belkin, Epicurious, ipad, iPhone, Pinterest
Dear Starbucks,
Today I was on twitter and read a tweet from @SteveatGoodLife that I could pay for my Starbucks coffee using my iPhone. I was ecstatic. This news made my day. (thanks Steve)
I am one of those people who carry around 4 different cards with 4 different balances and this app is really going to make my life SO much easier. I am truly in love with those companies who embrace technology. I sincerely think you “get it”. I follow you on twitter (and hope you follow me back…hint hint) and hope that other retailers will follow your lead and embrace this type of technology too.
Last week, I was at an independent coffee shop who asked me if I wanted a “loyalty card” – you know, the type where they punch a hole, every time you visit. I declined, just the way I decline when given coupons. If you want my business – for heaven sakes – go hi tech! I can’t believe coupons or those types of loyalty cards even exist.
Starbucks, you really know what you are doing and I’m impressed. Even though I can’t find a table (don’t ask – my neighborhood Starbucks is busy ALL THE TIME), I will still get my tall pike from you on a regular basis.
My daughter is also a fan of your hot chocolate (with peppermint), and I’m sure she will be downloading the app on her phone soon too. (She is 12). She once sent me a text on her way home from school that said “can i stop off at Starbucks and get a cookie”. How could I say no?
Congratulations once again for developing this amazing feature for your customers. I hope the news spreads quickly and more and more customers will be flashing their iPhones to pay for their lattes, cookies, coffees etc.
I am one happy customer! (can you tell?)
Vicky – @momwhoruns
Apps, customer, hot chocolate, iPhone, Starbucks, technology, twitter
I buy magazines once or twice a year, but one day I was in the mood and purchased the iPhone & iPad magazine. After dropping $$$ on the magazine, I BETTER be downloading some new apps!! It’s certainly not a cheap magazine but I’m using it so it’s worth it. (well that’s what I tell myself).
A cheaper method of discovering new apps would be to watch APP CENTRAL which is aired on CP24 every Sunday at 1030 a.m. This show is devoted to apps!! Brilliant. The PVR is helping me stay on top of the episodes or you can visit their website too. I’m so impressed with this show! The hosts are fun, and the it’s not too techy. P.S. I discovered this show while using the treadmill at GoodLife Fitness – I love when that happens.
So here’s a few app’s Ive downloaded lately:
1. Shop Savvy: This app allows me to compare prices by scanning the barcode. For someone like me, who is always looking for the best price…this is perfect. (thanks App Central)
2. GoodReads: This app allows me to find out what my friends are reading (thanks to my cousin for this suggestion)
3. Find iPhone: This app will make sure I dont lose my iPhone like I did in March (dont get me started).
4. GasBuddy: This app allows me to find the cheapest gas. (thanks @appcentralTV)
5. TipCalculator: Self explanatory.
6. The Best of New York City: This is such a gorgeous LOOKING app. Its actually stunning to navigate thru the options. Im planning a trip to NYC and I think Im going to be using this app A LOT.
7. GetGlue – just downloaded it. Will get back to you. But it got a rating of 9.10. (thanks to iPhone & iPad magazine)
8. AllSportsGPS – I spent serious $$$ (for me, anyways) on this app. It cam highly recommended (9/10) and I’m sure I will be loving it in the summer as I run and ride outdoors. Well atleast, thats the plan.
9. FlashBoom:, This app will tell me how far away the next lightening strike will be. I’m sure this will become a useful app in the summer.
10: Flipboard: This app received 10/10. It allows me to browse thru facebook, twitter, news and more in a magazine format. Me. Likey.
Now it’s your turn. What are your fav. apps?
App Central TV, Apps, CP24, Flipboard, ipad, iPhone, iPhone & iPad Essentials
ActivitiesMarch 24th, 2011

Tracy Moore and momwhoruns!!
OK everyone, set your PVR’s and tape CityLine on Tuesday March 29th at 9:00 a.m or at 2p.m. Why? Coz CityLine is airing a segment on “bloggers” and you might even see me in the audience clapping and smiling!! They invited beauty bloggers, food bloggers, mommy bloggers and decor bloggers to be part of the studio audience and then did a segment on each topic. I truly love when companies “get” social media..
The beauty blogger: talked about her favorite beauty products. I used one of the products already for the last 20 years (Voluminous mascara by L’Oreal”) and now Im in love with the lipstick she recommended.
The food blogger: made an amazing banana bread with a secret ingredient that I would have never guessed in a million years.
The decor blogger: talked about Canadian furniture, and demonstrated a DIY project.
The mommy blogger; talked about why mommys have embraced twitter and blogging.
It was lots of fun to be part of the audience and lots of fun to meet other bloggers. Infact, I sat beside a food blogger (foodjunkiechronicles) that I have been following on twitter (@foodieyu) for the past year so it was great to meet her IRL (in real life).
I loved how they told the audience NOT to put away their iPhones and Blackberries as they knew we would want to be tweeting and taking photos. I wish my mom would be so understanding. (she hates when I tweet).

Everyone was Tweeting.
After the taping, we were all treated to a lovely lunch at the new Ritz Carlton. A perfect ending to a perfect event.
Congratulations to Kate Moore (the producer for CityLine) for putting this Bloggers Segment together and for embracing the blogging community.
ps. thank you to @foodieyu and @YYZdesign for the photos.
Blackberry, Bloggers, CityLine, iPhone, L'Oreal, Ritz Carlton, Toronto, Tracy Moore, twitter, Voluminous

Could life get any better?
I decided to wake up with a Tim Hortons coffee before my body pump class. Sure enough, I REALLY WOKE UP when I saw this sign: We accept Interact/Debit Now. Thanks.
I immediately got out my iPhone and tweeted: Great News: Tim Hortons now accepting Interac and Debit cards. Within an hour – there were 10 replies: “thats the best news” “what took them so long” “Ive been complaining about that for years” “I don’t have to read the Sunday paper anymore” “finally, for real, would have been helpful in uni”, “for real?” etc etc etc.
There were only two comments that this might slow down the lines. But generally everyone was THRILLED.
Later in the day, I returned to take a photo of the sign and asked to speak to the owner. The nephew of the owner returned my call, and told me that at the moment the six stores they operate/own, now have these signs but in about 2 weeks, 90 percent of the stores will be converted too.
The location of those six stores: Bathurst/Drewry, Promenade Food Court, Wilson Heights/Shepherd, Yonge/John St, Yonge/Steeles, Bathurst and Finch!
However a friend told me that the Tim Hortons at Victoria Square in Richmond Hill also accepted Interac.
Bottom Line: go visit your local Tim Hortons!!
Enjoy this new service. I know I will.
Bathurst, Body Pump, Coffee, Debit, Interac, iPhone, Tim Hortons, Toronto, twitter
ActivitiesOctober 23rd, 2010
This photo might explain more about the Shes Connected Conference I recently attended:

Staying Connected!!
Ok..I will be serious for a minute. The conference looked like this:

You are probably asking..what’s Shes Connected? It was a conference that connected brands with digitally connected woman. We all had blogs, we were all on Linkedin, we all used facebook, we all loved twitter…basically we all embraced Social Media with open arms.
I did not have to shell out hundreds of dollars, like other conferences. We were all selected i.e we had to apply. I was positively thrilled to get an email that I was selected.
So that day, I got dressed in “business attire” and headed downtown for 8 a.m…armed with my camera, my iPhone, my laptop, a hundred business cards and of course, my beloved chargers. (see above photo).
I felt empowered by 8 a.m.. It felt very different than my usual day of visiting grocery stores. (I’m a food sales rep).
In the morning we listened to a variety of speakers talk about Social Media and in the afternoon we listened to a variety of brands.
Did I connect with the brands? Well I certainly took the opporttunity to talk to John Placko from Maple Leaf Foods coz he was easy to recognize (wearing chef whites and one of the few men there). I also approached a PR rep who works with Kraft Foods. I clearly wanted to connect with other foodies.
Did I connect with other women? Absolutely. I came home with two dozen business cards, inputed the email addys into my address book …and sent a few people a quick email saying how much I enjoyed connecting with them at the conference.
Did the brands connect with the participants? I’m hoping that at the round tables they learned more about how as bloggers we can help them and how they can help us!! They all listened, took notes, and asked questions.
The day certainly went by quickly and before I knew it, it was 6 p.m.
I went home feeling even more connected and have already scheduled the dates of ShesConnected 2011 into my calendar.
Happy Connecting!!!
iPhone, John Placko, Kraft, Maple Leaf Foods, Shes Connected, Toronto